Thursday, November 1, 2007

More (amazing) Reviews

Taken from Popjustice

Girls Aloud 'Tangled Up' first listen!

The new Girls Aloud album has arrived. Who ever dreamed they'd make it this far? Not us, but we're damn glad they have. Well, without further ado, let's bung the CD on the stereo and scribble down the first things that come to mind, which we'll then rather grandiosely refer to as a Girls Aloud 'Tangled Up' track by track review.

1. 'Call The Shots'
You know this one, the second single that should've been the first. Unmistakably GA. Those trademark vocal swoops that make you feel a bit funny. Great vocal breakdown section from Nicola. Brilliant.
2. 'Close To Love'
A fast funky one, hooray! Kind of hard not to wish this was what the new Spice single sounded like. Two different but adjacent choruses - one of them featuring the album title shouted in a way you'll all join in with when they do it live (punching the air with your fist where appropriate).
3. 'Sexy! No No No...'
Still a bloody racket, but a bloody racket with a great intro. It's a lot better when you know there's another song coming straight after. Feels like the music they might use to cover a costume change during the live show. There's an idea.
4. 'Girl Overboard'
Another fast one. Get in! Very Gaydar. Very G-A-Y. Ooh, a nice break down section from Nicola again. This is so going to be a certain section of the fanbase's favourite. Like a disco version of Martika's 'I Feel The Earth Move'. Imagine that.
5. 'Can't Speak French'
Jaunty. Still NOT A SOPPY SLOW ONE. Keeps building, when will it ever get to the chorus? Oh, was that it? This one's a slow burner. Fantastic vocals but clearly designed to best show off the full gamut of Tweedy-Cole facial expressions and stylized poses. Comment from the office: "This one would be good with an 'Allo Allo' style video. It lends itself to berets."
6. 'Black Jacks'
Ooh, still no slow down. Stripped right back to stuttering guitar and drums and Blondie sweetness melody. A Motown beat chorus which also threatens to become Starship's 'We Built This City' and - OH GOODNESS - a Daphne & Celeste-style group chant. We've just burst with pleasure.
7. 'Control Of The Knife'
Perky, fast dub. Girls Aloud don't even slow down for a traditionally slow musical genre! What does this remind us of? Oh yes, 'Only Love Can Break Your Heart' by St Etienne - but sped up. Bloody hell. Comment from the office: "Good trumpets."
8. 'Fling'
Crikey, what's this? They've gone a bit mental and a bit Rogue Traders (the pop group not the TV show where they confront builders for weeing in old ladies' sinks). Very camp. Very clubby. Very Sarah Harding. Anyone have a problem with that? Thought not.
9. 'What You Crying For'
Would it surprise you to know this is another one at breakneck speed? Sultry vocals spat menacingly over the sound of the future's ringtone. Great vocal breakdown again and room for a rave horn. We've decided this is like 'Love/Hate' off the first album. Classic GA.
10. 'I'm Falling'
Ballad time? No, drum & bass time. Crikey.
11. 'Damn'
Why slow down now, eh? Irresistible, rollicking modern guitar pop song that reminds us of the tracks Xenomania wrote for the criminally ignored Frank album (but that'll mean nothing to you, we're guessing - what with you criminally ignoring it and all).
12. 'Crocodile Tears'
And finally... well it's not exactly 'See The Day' but by comparison this is the ballad. Though it's still a fair old pace - moody, slightly aggressive. Not exactly Children In Need material. More "dreamy indie pop" according to the office. We need a sit down.

The Verdict
Best Girls Aloud album ever, by so many horses' heads they're gonna need to buy a stable and a whole lot of mane wax.

Taken from Channel 4 Music. But taken down after Kimberley's people got angry.

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