Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sexy! No No No... is still not Number One! :(

OMG! Look wat u've reduced Cheryl 2 guys! she iz disgyzing as a hot dog lady 2 flog the nu single! but look also, its a limited edition 10" vinyl & Chezza's record stall iz di only place u can get it!!!11! All i can tell u iz tht she iz somwhere in swingin london town lol. But u can clik ere 4 directions. (dont blame me if dey turn out 2 b fake or crusty old cliff richards records lol). but NEway, she ainit desprate, she iz just doin her job so shut up!!

But look hu i snapped lata on ystrdy, just up da road from Chez. its kanye west. cheeky b*strd. How can she compete wid dat?! just cus he can afford a fancy van he tinks hes all dat. btw, i saw sean kingstom go up to his van, but he was just afta a burger, lol.

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